Air Pilot's Manual Bundle - Helicopter - Volumes 1 to 7

APM Budle H

Air Pilot's Manual Bundle - Helicopter - Volumes 1 to 7

Code : 9300H

The Air Pilots Manual bundle for helicopters by Trevor Thom have become internationally recognised as the foremost pilot training textbooks. Now updated to the new UK CAA & EASA syllabus.


£129.00 Ex VAT (£129.00 Inc VAT)
Availability: 3 In Stock

With, easy to read page layouts and excellent, clear computer generated graphics throughout they offer the student the best opportunity for easy learning of the Flying and Ground subjects for the Private Pilot Licence (H) and will always provide excellent revision for the qualified pilot. They are standard issue for flying training organisations in the United Kingdom and throughout the World.

APM Volume 1H (Flying Training) covers: Flying Training and includes: The Aeroplane - Before and After Flight - Your First Solo - The Controls - Taxying - Straight and Level - Climbing - Descending - Turning - Stalling and Slow Flight - Spinning - Standard Take-Off and Climb to Downwind Leg - Circuit Operations, Approach and Landing - First Solo - Advanced Turning - Low Level Flying - Forced Landing - Pilot Navigation - Flight Instruments. Soft. 383 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

APM Volume 2 (Aviation Law & Meteorology) covers: Aviation Law and Meteorology and includes: Rules of the Air - Altimeter Setting - Airspace, Visual and Instrument Flight Rules - Distress, Search and Rescue - Documentation - Private Pilot Licence - Fit to Fly - In-Flight Medical Factors - First Aid - The Atmosphere - Wind - Cloud - Thunderstorms - Air Mass - Icing - Visibility - Weather Forecasts and Reports. Soft 354 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

APM Volume 3 (Air Navigation) covers: Air Navigation and includes: Basic Navigation Theory - Speed - Direction Navigation Computer - Vertical Navigation Time - The Earth - AeroNautical Charts Flight Planning - Pre-Flight - Route Selection and Charts - Flight Log - Flight Plan En-Route Navigation - Techniques - Navigation in Remote Areas - Entry/Exit Lanes. Soft. 499 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

APM Volume 4H (Aeroplane Technical) covers: the Aeroplane Technical and includes: Principles of Flight – Aircraft General Knowledge – Operational Procedures – Flight Performance and Planning . Soft. 447 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

APM Volume 5 (Radio Navigation & Instrument Flying) covers: Radio Navigation and Instrument Flying and includes: Radio Navigation - Cockpit Flight Instruments - Instrument Flying - IMC Rating - Night Rating. This volume is particularly popular with Private Pilots wishing to learn and improve all aspects of instrument flying theory and practice to Instrument Rating standard. Soft. 498 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

APM Volume 6 (Human Factors & Pilot Performance) covers: Human Factors and Pilot Performance and includes: Human Physiology and High Altitudes - Eyesight and Visual Illusions - Hearing and Balance - Am I Fit to Fly? - Stress Management - Fatigue and Sleep - Information Processing - Judgement and Decision Making - Flight Deck. Soft. 243 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

APM Volume 7 (Radio Telephony) covers: Radio Telephony and includes: Radiotelephony Language and Procedures - Emergency and Radio Failure - How Radio Works - Example Flights in Controlled and Uncontrolled Airspace - Exercises and Answers. Soft. 212 pages. Includes EASA PPL Revision Papers

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